Termites love Aspen Hill! As a town named after a type of tree, we are, unfortunately, a prime target for termites. Your home may look completely fine, the walls may seem perfectly solid, but there could be termites inside. The problem with strong walls is that termites go under them. They prefer to head straight for the foundation.
Why Your Home Isn’t Untouchable
The wooden structure inside your home is what termites really love to munch. This is the structure inside your walls that you probably don’t even see.
Brick or wood, your walls are a weak defense against termites because they go underneath the house. The target is your foundation and its weak spots. From there, they have free access to the inner wooden structure of your home.
Aspen Hill Termites and Your Foundation
Our town of Aspen Hill hosts the Eastern subterranean termite. They need moisture to survive, so they spend most of their time underground. This is why your walls, however strong, don’t matter.
When termites find your foundation, they search for weak points, or cracks. Some foundation types are better than others are. For example, a “poured-concrete foundation” with the strength of added rebar is the least prone to cracks. One of the weakest against termites is a simple slab foundation. Your Aspen Hill pest control and prevention depends wholly upon the type and condition of your home’s foundation.
Pest Control for all pests in Aspen Hill
So far, we have only talked about termites. We could go on and on about other pests that could be in your home undetected right now. Rodents, cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, wasps, and several other unsavory creatures love the homes in Aspen Hill. Your house is on the menu; except in the case of bedbugs. Their preferred food is you.
What You Can Do
Get on the phone and call the exterminator! You have no time to waste if you suspect your home is under attack by termites and other pests. Call one of our Affordable Pest professionals. They have the expertise to wipe out any termites in and under your home.