Northern Virginia

Ah… Northern Virginia. Home to some of the most breath-taking landscapes and seascapes in the nation. Sadly there are pest here just like anywhere else. And when those pests enter your home, well, things get hairy fast. When you find the first bed bug, the first sign that something is grossly wrong, you can’t stop thinking about it. Are there bed bugs in my kids beds? Have I been bitten and got a disease? What if they overtake my entire bed and carry me away in the middle of the night into the darkness? Ok, we’re pushing the idea a little bit there (they aren’t Ants…), but the fact remains that when you see one of these nasty little critters in your bed, its time to call an expert. You want them gone. You want them gone this very minute.

Our Fast and Professional Northern Virginia Pest Control Service Keeps Your Home Insect and Rodent Free

Luckily, Bed Bugs are an easy bug to spot so you don’t need to be on edge looking for them. No, bed bugs are easy. Now termites, well, we’re always on the outlook for termites. If we had to give an award to the pest that creeps us out the most, it would be the humble termite. Why? Let us count the reasons:

  1. They look like ghostly hunters that gnaw and gnaw on your base boards until your toilet falls through the floor and onto your mother-in-law sitting on your couch.
  2. They come in orders of a hundred plus.
  3. They are masters at hiding until its almost too late.

Termites win that award every year. So if you think you have termites, if the whispers of an idea start to swim in the back of your mind and you think, “I should look into this more”, Call us. Call us that very moment and save your mother-in-law from a shower of sorrow that will scare her for the rest of her life.

Serious. Call us at (855) 737-8123. You’ll thank us.

» Testimonial

"I recently called in for a rodent problem on a Sunday night. I was surprised to reach an actual person! Not only did someone answer the phone but you were out the next day and we haven't seen a mouse since. Just a quick note to say Thank you!!!"

Mr and Mrs Davis

"Great service, Great price, and the technician did a wonderful job. I will definitely recommend you to all my friends."

Mrs Lannon

About Affordable Pest

Here at Affordable Pest, one call truly solves it all. We offer Free Inspections and Estimates and guaranteed pest removal. We utilize environmentally sensitive IPM (Integrated Pest Management) – safe for pets/family.

To get started, give us a call toll-free at 1-855-904-7378 or fill out the form below to schedule your service today! With the Slogan “Service You Can Trust. Guaranteed!” And “Expect the BEST!”.

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