When you think of pest control, you probably think of things like ants, roaches, termites, and even mice. But bed bugs in DC, Virginia, and Maryland are a real problem. Over the years, bed bugs have made their way into DC and Virginia homes, hotels, and even public buildings. While they may not be as destructive as termites in Maryland, DC, or Virginia, bed bugs can present a real problem.
So, what do you do if you think you have them?
– Keep an eye out for bites
If you start to see red, itchy welts on your skin, it’s time to look into whether or not you have a bed bug problem. In fact, seeing bites may be the first indication you get that there’s a problem.
Bed bugs love to live in dark, warm places – like under your bed. Once you turn in for the night, you become almost like a “buffet” for them. And, unfortunately, those bed bug bites can be awfully uncomfortable.
Lots of people first think they’re dealing with mosquito bites because they look so similar. So, if you’re suddenly dealing with bites – and spotting them when you get up in the morning – don’t overlook them.
– Call a professional
There are plenty of do-it-yourself bed bug treatments out there, but it’s best to leave the job to a pest control professional. They may be called “bed bugs”, but they don’t just live in your bed. If you focus just on your bedroom, you may not treat the entire problem – and, as a result, you may never get rid of them.
A professional pest control company has expert tools and techniques to determine exactly where your bed bugs are hanging out. And, professionals will have special tools that can get rid of bed bugs faster and more effectively than the do-it-yourself products.
– Ask about prevention
Like the termites in Maryland, DC, and Virginia, prevention plays a big role in keeping your home pest-free. If you want to keep bed bugs in DC from setting up shop in your home, make sure that you’re not, unknowingly, doing things that attract them. For example, a proven mattress protector can eliminate a cozy place for bed bugs – while still providing a comfy place for you to sleep.
A good pest control company will be able to go through your home, look at the conditions, and tell you exactly what to do to keep them out.